A Service of Softnik Technologies

Watch My Domains SED
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Install and Try 'Watch My Domains SED v6 for 30 days on a DigitalOcean Cloud Server for Free

watch my domains sed installer

This is a fully automated installation of Watch My Domains SED on a bare-bones DigitalOcean droplet. You don't really have to do anything except create a droplet and then map the IP address of your droplet to a hostname (done by logging in to your registrar / DNS provider). The bash script will automatically install Apache, PHP, MariaDB, ionCube loader, Let's Encrypt SSL and anything else required for Watch My Domains SED. It will also create the required cron jobs.

Setup Administrator

The installation script will save all the randomly generated passwords into a file called required.txt in the '/root' folder. You will need to grab the contents of this file after the installation and delete it from the server. To login to Watch My Domains SED after installation you will need a setup administrator password. Use setup as the user ID and the password mentioned under User sedapp: as the password. You can change these by editing the config.php file in the installation root folder.

Debian 12

Download, Installation and Troubleshooting

Ubuntu 22.04

Download, Installation and Troubleshooting

Ubuntu 24.04

Download, Installation and Troubleshooting

About DigitalOcean

DigitalOcean is a cloud computing solution provider with multiple datacenters all over the world. We will be using DigitalOcean to quickly deploy a droplet, setup the server and then install Watch My Domains SED on it automatically. You don't have to do any technical stuff, everything is taken care of through a script from us.

If you have never used DigitalOcean before you can get a $200 credit by signing up using the following link. That $200 credit is more than enough to evaluate Watch My Domains SED for 30 days. You will need to provide a credit card and billing details to DigitalOcean.

After you signup with a valid credit card, and if you haven't signed up before, you will get a $200 credit in your account.

Create Your Droplet & Install Watch My Domains SED

Use the Create Droplet option to create your droplet. You should select the following options.

DigitalOcean will create the droplet and display the IP address of the droplet. Copy it and then go to your registrar / DNS provider and map the hostname to the IP address. Once you are done the hostname should resolve to the IP address of your droplet.

Make sure that your hostname resolves properly, otherwise the installation script will not work.

Download and Run the Installer

Now login to the server using SSH and using the root password that was emailed to you. You will be asked to change the root password. Do so and then do

For Debian 12x64

cd /root

wget "https://learn.domainpunch.com/static/downloads/wmdsed6-debian-12-php-8.2-do.sh"

chmod u+x wmdsed6-debian-12-php-8.2-do.sh

./wmdsed6-debian-12-php-8.2-do.sh  your_email_address_here

For Ubuntu 22.04

cd /root

wget "https://learn.domainpunch.com/static/downloads/wmdsed6-ubuntu-22.04-php-8.1-do.sh"

chmod u+x wmdsed6-ubuntu-22.04-php-8.1-do.sh

./wmdsed6-ubuntu-22.04-php-8.1-do.sh  your_email_address_here

For Ubuntu 24.04

cd /root

wget "https://learn.domainpunch.com/static/downloads/wmdsed6-ubuntu-24.04-php-8.3-do.sh"

chmod u+x wmdsed6-ubuntu-24.04-php-8.3-do.sh

./wmdsed6-ubuntu-24.04-php-8.3-do.sh  your_email_address_here

This will install the required packages and the application.

Important: The email address in the last part is used to register the EFF's certbot for SSL certificates and not for use by the application. If you don't specify an email address, a dummy example@example.com address will be used.

Seeing syntax error messages when you run the script?

Check if you downloaded the script properly. If you see any error that mentions 'rename config-sample.php ...' it is almost certainly a download error. It is better to copy the wget line fully and paste it into the Debian/Ubuntu terminal. On Putty, the right mouse click normally pastes the clipboard data. On the Mac terminal you can use Ctrl-V to paste.

Another possible reason for the script failing is running it on non-Debian or non-Ubuntu systems. This script is meant for Debian x64, Ubuntu 22.04 or Ubuntu 20.04.


Look at the contents of /root/required.txt (less /root/required.txt or cat /root/required.txt) for the passwords to access the installation. Passwords are randomly created by the script and saved to this file. To login to the installation use setup as the user name and the password mentioned for User sedapp: in required.txt as the password.

Save the contents of this file and then delete it.

Screen Shots

DigitalOcean Distribution

DigitalOcean Droplet Creation