A Service of Softnik Technologies

Watch My Domains SED
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API Admin Endpoints

API Standard Endpoints

API Guide: Set


Parameter Notes
c set
t domain
oper parse, edit, column or colmodel
id The row id (the sid column in the table) the current user has access rights to. Applicable if oper=parse or edit
columns Semicolon separated list of columns. This is applicable only if oper=colmodel. Do not use s. and d. in the column names, these prefixes will be ignored because the domain table can display the data from only the domain table and not sub-domain table.
group Name of the display group to get data for. This is applicable only if oper=colmodel. This could be one of custom01_columns_array, custom02_columns_array, custom03_columns_array, date_columns_array, http_columns_array, registrar_columns_array, network_columns_array, sitepop_columns_array, notes_columns_array or ipdata_columns_array
    "status": "ok",
    "error": "",
    "validate": 0

Set a data column value for a range of domains (bulk edit)

    "status": "ok",
    "error": "",
    "validate": 0,
    "updated": 5

Set values of multiple columns for a single domain

Use columnname=newvalue pairs to specify the new data when oper=column.

    "status": "ok",
    "error": "",
    "validate": 0,
    "count": 2

Change the data columns for a display group

    "status": "ok",
    "error": "",
    "validate": 0,
    "colmodel": [
            "label": "!",
            "width": "20",
            "name": "r_h_disp",
            "classes": "dtcell r-h-disp-cell",
            "formatter": "highlightFormatter",
            "fixed": true,
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": false,
            "editable": false
            "label": "Domain",
            "width": "181",
            "name": "domain",
            "classes": "dtcell domain-cell",
            "editoptions": {
                "readonly": true,
                "size": 35
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": true,
            "editable": true
            "label": "Domain Expiry",
            "width": "123",
            "name": "registry_expiry",
            "classes": "dtcell registry-expiry-cell",
            "formatoptions": {
                "srcformat": "Y-m-d",
                "newformat": "Y-m-d"
            "formatter": "date",
            "sorttype": "date",
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": true,
            "editable": true
            "label": "Registrar Expiry",
            "width": "139",
            "name": "registrar_expiry",
            "classes": "dtcell registrar-expiry-cell",
            "formatoptions": {
                "srcformat": "Y-m-d",
                "newformat": "Y-m-d"
            "formatter": "date",
            "sorttype": "date",
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": true,
            "editable": true
            "label": "Registrar",
            "width": "114",
            "name": "registrar",
            "classes": "dtcell registrar-cell",
            "formatter": "registrarFormatter",
            "editoptions": {
                "size": 35
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": true,
            "editable": true
            "label": "IP",
            "width": "144",
            "name": "ip",
            "classes": "dtcell ip-cell",
            "editoptions": {
                "size": 35
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": true,
            "editable": true
            "label": "NS1",
            "width": "100",
            "name": "ns1",
            "classes": "dtcell ns1-cell",
            "editoptions": {
                "size": 35
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": true,
            "editable": true
            "label": "NS2",
            "width": "100",
            "name": "ns2",
            "classes": "dtcell ns2-cell",
            "editoptions": {
                "size": 35
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": true,
            "editable": true


Sets the column details for a specified report.

Parameter Notes
c get
t report
oper colmodel
group Name of the report (unlike the display groups for the domain table the report names are created by the users).
columns Semicolon separated list of columns. This is applicable only if oper=colmodel. You can use d. or s. to indicate if the data should come from the domain or the sub-domain table.

Change the column settings for a report

    "status": "ok",
    "error": "",
    "validate": 0,
    "colmodel": [
            "label": "!!",
            "width": "20",
            "name": "r_h_disp",
            "classes": "dtcell r-h-disp-cell",
            "formatter": "highlightFormatter",
            "fixed": true,
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": false,
            "editable": false
            "label": "hostname",
            "width": "181",
            "name": "s.hostname",
            "classes": "dtcell hostname-cell",
            "editoptions": {
                "size": 20
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": false,
            "editable": false
            "label": "Domain",
            "width": "181",
            "name": "domain",
            "classes": "dtcell domain-cell",
            "editoptions": {
                "readonly": true,
                "size": 35
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": true,
            "editable": true
            "label": "SSL Valid Till",
            "width": "114",
            "name": "s.ssl_valid_to",
            "classes": "dtcell ssl-valid-to-cell",
            "formatoptions": {
                "srcformat": "Y-m-d",
                "newformat": "Y-m-d"
            "formatter": "date",
            "sorttype": "date",
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": true,
            "editable": true
            "label": "SSL Issued To",
            "width": "189",
            "name": "s.ssl_issued_to",
            "classes": "dtcell ssl-issued-to-cell",
            "editoptions": {
                "size": 35
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": true,
            "editable": false
            "label": "IP (SD)",
            "width": "135",
            "name": "s.ip",
            "classes": "dtcell ip-cell",
            "editoptions": {
                "size": 35
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": true,
            "editable": false
            "label": "SSL Checked At",
            "width": "166",
            "name": "ssl_checked_at",
            "classes": "dtcell ssl-checked-at-cell",
            "formatoptions": {
                "srcformat": "Y-m-d H:i:s",
                "newformat": "Y-m-d H:i:s"
            "formatter": "date",
            "sorttype": "date",
            "hidden": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "search": true,
            "editable": false
    "name": "valid ssl report"


Parameter Notes
c set
t regalias
oper column or not specified.
name name of the registrar
alias alias name to set for the registrar
    "status": "ok",
    "error": "",
    "validate": 0,
    "count": 1


Parameter Notes
c set
t category
oper sort or not specified.
id category id
pos -1 to move up and 1 to move down.
{ "status": "ok", "error": "", "validate": 0, "target": "category", "id": 3 }


Parameter Notes
c set
t query
oper sort or not specified.
id query id
pos -1 to move up and 1 to move down.
    "status": "ok",
    "error": "",
    "validate": 0,
    "target": "query",
    "id": 8


Parameter Notes
c set
t luq
oper One of process, add or not specified. If the oper=process the lookup queue will be immediately processed. Otherwise entries will be added to the lookup queue.

What to lookup, use one of the codes below. Logical 'OR' the values to combine multiple lookup types.

id comma separated domain row ids
ri Refresh Interval in seconds


Parameter Notes
c set
t whois
tld The tld. This may be blank is the whois server is specified.
server whois server for the TLD. If both TLD and this value are specified, the server for the TLD will be set to the value specified here.
key and value pairs The following keys are accepted.
port, query, searchtoken, bannedtext, cleantoken_1, cleantoken_2, proxy, dateformat, xlate, maxconnections, conninterval
    "status": "ok",
    "error": "No data to set",
    "validate": 0,
    "count": 0