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API Admin Endpoints

API Standard Endpoints

Registrar API Management

Login as an administrative user before using any of these API calls.


Parameter Notes
c admin
t regapi
oper list

Get a list of all configured registrar API profiles.


A typical response will be

    "status": "ok",
    "error": "",
    "validate": 0,
    "data": {
        "GoDaddy 01": {
            "params": [
            "keys": [
                "API Key",
                "API Secret"
            "class": "\\CodePunch\\LU\\Registrars\\GoDaddy",
            "registrar": "GoDaddy"
        "GoDaddy 02": {
            "params": [
            "keys": [
                "API Key",
                "API Secret"
            "class": "\\CodePunch\\LU\\Registrars\\GoDaddy",
            "registrar": "GoDaddy"
        "DNSME": {
            "params": [
            "keys": [
                "API Key",
                "Secret Key"
            "class": "\\CodePunch\\LU\\Registrars\\DNSMadeEasy",
            "registrar": "DNSMadeEasy"
    "profiles": [
        "GoDaddy 01",
        "GoDaddy 02",

No keys will be transmitted back (the data will simply contain ***). You can use this call to get the configured profile name and the key names for each profile.


Set keys for a registrar API profile

Parameter Notes
c admin
t regapi
oper set
name Name of the registrar profile
keys API key names separated by line feeds.
data Linefeed separated API key values corresponding to each entry in the keys parameter.
The keys and data should contain the names of API keys and the corresponding key values separated by linefeed.

For example, for Godaddy, the keys will be
Secret Key
and the data will be
The GoDaddy API key value
The GoDaddy secret key value


Add a new registrar API profile.

Parameter Notes
c admin
t regapi
oper set
name Name of the registrar profile
registrar One of the supported registrar / API provider name
?c=admin&t=regapi&oper=add&name=My Dynadot Account&registrar=Dynadot
    "status": "ok",
    "error": "",
    "validate": 0


Delete an existing registrar API profile.

Parameter Notes
c admin
t regapi
oper set
name Name of the registrar profile to delete
?c=admin&t=regapi&oper=del&name=My GoDaddy Account
    "status": "ok",
    "error": "",
    "validate": 0


    "status": "notok",
    "error": "profile not found",
    "validate": 0