A Service of Softnik Technologies

Watch My Domains SED
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Upgrade Watch My Domains SED v4 to v5

Update your Older Watch My Domains SED v4

Make sure that you are running the the latest version of Watch My Domains SED v4.

Login to the updated version 4 to make sure that the database is updated.

Paid or Free Upgrade?

If you purchased v4 within the last 12 months, you will be eligible for a free upgrade. Otherwise an upgrade fee will apply. Please use the link below to check your eligibility. You will require the registration code for the earlier version.

Please contact us if you wish to use version 5 in evaluation / trial mode first and require a temporary license code.

Download and Install Watch My Domains SED v5

Please see here if you have SSH access to the server.

You can download Watch My Domains SED v5 from here. If you purchased the professional edition, use the download link that was provided to you at the time of purchase.

Unpack the contents of the wmdsed-xx-xx-xx.zip into a folder different from where version 4 is installed on your web server. Make sure that the folder is web-accessible. You may want to configure a different URL for version 5 so that you will have access toboth versions.

This step is Important

Don't create a new config.php file.

Copy the config.php file at the root of the version 4 installation to the root of the v5 installation. If you create a new config.php, the encryption key used for settings will change and you will have to configure all your settings again.

Using SSH to install

The fastest way to install is by using a secure shell to connect to your server and using wget to get the download pack. Use unzip to unpack the contents directly into your web site folder.

As an example, you could do something like...

cd /home/softnik/sites/
wget --content-disposition https://domainpunch.com/sed/wmdsed50_trial.zip.php
unzip wmdsed50_trial.zip
cd wmdsed50
cp ../wmdsed40/config.php .

The above assumes that the older version 4 is installed to /home/softnik/sites/wmdsed40/

Now configure your apache to map a URL to serve files from /home/softnik/sites/wmdsed50/

Change the cron entry

Change the crontab entry to use the cron.php in the v5 installation folder instead of the v4 folder. Please see the link below for more details.