A Service of Softnik Technologies

Watch My Domains SED
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API Admin Endpoints

API Standard Endpoints

Configure Reports

Reports allow you to see data in a much more detailed format. You will be able to combine domain data columns, DNS record data and SSL data into the same table, sort them in any order you want and then create HTML and CSV reports.

Watch My Domains SED has a number of pre-configured reports and you can also create any number of additional reports.

The Reports module allows you to view the reports on screen. You can also configure the reports to be emailed to you at regular intervals.

Configure an Existing Report

Configure Reports

Create a new Report

Create New Report

Filter Queries

It is easy to create your own reports once you learn to use the filter queries properly. The filter queries allow you to extract just the data you want from the database. Filter queries are nothing more than slightly modified form of normal SQL queries.

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