A Service of Softnik Technologies

Watch My Domains SED
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How to monitor the domain's website home page for string tokens

Home Page Tokens

Watch My Domains SED has a column / field called home page token that allows you to specify a unique text string. If you enter a string into this column for any domain, the application will check to see if it is present in HTML of the domain's home page.

If the string is found in the HTML, it will set the value of another column called page token found. If you enable the display of the page token found in the domain table, it will display a 1 to indicate that the token was found.

Home Page Token Status

Checking any Specified Page instead of Home Page

You can check any specified web page at your domain's website instead of always checking the homepage. To do this specify the page location as part of the home page token in the following format.


For example, if you specify /kb/resetall.php;;;;registry editor as the home page token the software will search for registry editor in domain.tld/kb/resetall.php

Entering the Token Strings

You can specify the home page tokens for each domain in two ways. Using a CSV file upload or by manually typing it in for each domain.

Manually Entering the Token Strings

First use the 'App Settings' option to enable the display of both home page token and page token found columns. Use the manual edit button to specify the string token. Then do a home page check for the domain.

CSV File Upload

You can upload the string tokens in bulk using a CSV file. Create a UTF encoded (without BOM) text file with the first row containing the column headers and the rest of the rows containg the data. For example,

domainpunch.com,Watch My Domains

Then use the 'CSV upload' button to upload the data.

Uploading CSV Data into Domain Database